Segovia Titirimundi 1º ESO

The students of 1º ESO have had the opportunity to attend a professional puppet show as part of the international festival “Titirimundi” that takes place every year in Segovia.


The performance they attended was in charge of Rodorín, a professional puppeteer with a long history in the world of puppets.


The objective of this activity is to bring puppet theater closer to our students, as part of the Language and Visual Arts subjects.


With this experience, we wanted to place the students in the role of spectators, since next year they will attend “Titiricole” as actors, since they will create their own puppet show that they will perform at said festival.


The project is worked on in coordination from the Visual Arts and Language subjects, and complements the learning that the curriculum of each subject requires, in a playful and at the same time very interesting way, which leads them to delve into both subjects from a different perspective than which they are used to.


A project that we have been carrying out at school for more than seven years and that leaves a very special mark on our students.