Look with the eyes of a child

My name is Silvia and I am an Early Childhood Education teacher, for me a wonderful, sensitive, exciting stage, full of light and magic, tenderness, innocence, fantasy, creativity, cooperation, dreams, joy; in which the protagonists are your little treasures that little by little are creating their own identity, being aware that they are independent little people capable of thinking and doing for themselves.

I am sure that many times you have heard the beautiful expression “to look with the eyes of a child”, but… have you really stopped to think about it? Perhaps some of you are already thinking that “if we saw the world through the eyes of a child, we would see the magic in everything” or that “to look through the eyes of a child is to discover all the good things in life”. And it really is so, children’s eyes shine with amazement at the simplest things. It is true, they are amazed by toys, television… but they are even more amazed to understand and discover what is around them, it is really impressive to see how they are amazed when they are able to understand a small part of their world. Children are energy, they are imagination in its purest state and by their side everything seems possible.

If we were able to look with the eyes of a child, many fears that we have as adults would be removed from us, which come from our experiences, experiences… but perhaps we should think about whether these experiences are experiences of children or adults… Children’s fears many times they seem irrational, insignificant, fantastic and surreal; but they are their fears, childhood fears, those fears that come from their experiences, even though most of them are fantastic. Their fears have nothing to do with ours and ours… are they real or could they be equally irrational or fantastic seen from the child’s perspective?
For this reason, it is important to stop and think if our fears regarding our children are real or if they are our fears, from our adult gaze…