The activity proposed in the class is the teaching of the main figures and literary resources, using urban music. This activity is carried out within the 4th ESO Literature agenda.

This was carried out in two sessions. The first session was focused on the relationship between poetry and rap music. The main objective was the characteristics and the use of literary figures through rap: simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, calambur, hyperbole pun, paradox and antithesis.

The methodology used was based on the 5E teaching model, based on constructivist theory. This implied the mobilization of the previous knowledge of the students to later connect their ideas with new knowledge acquired through the discovery and proceed to the theoretical explanation. Finally, the students had the opportunity to apply what they had learned and I was able to test their understanding through games.

The class was divided into 5 phases: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate, which were evaluated sequentially.


Engagement: The following questions were raised for discussion. Is rap a form of poetry? If not, can it be considered art?

In this phase, students have to draw on their prior knowledge to reflect on the similarities and differences between poetry and rap.


Explore: Did a rapper or a poet say it?


The proposed game consisted of guessing who said a series of poetic phrases between rappers or poets.


Explain: This part was based on the theoretical explanation through two explanatory videos of the different literary resources through urban music:


The final practice consisted of playing two rap songs in class, in which the students had to recognize the literary resources used.


– Vocal effects. Nach. Alliteration, parallelism, anaphora, comparison, metaphor

– Singing. Verse violators. Anaphora, simile, metaphor, paradox, hyperbole, epithet, personification, etc.


As homework for the next class, the students had to find a song that contains at least 5 literary devices seen in class.



CLASS 2. Poetry and urban music


Explore: In this phase, the students had to guess what literary devices are in the following verses and whether it was written by an urban artist or a classical poet.

Explain: Next, literary resources, not seen in the previous class, will be developed through the following video.



This activity consisted of analyzing the literary resources contained in Alfred’s song From Earth to Mars.



As a final evaluation, an activity was carried out in which the students had to join cards to identify what literary resources were in the poems.


Patricia Valdés

Secondary’s Teacher