As Head of Learning, it is with much pride to express my satisfaction with how the school community is embracing the focus on learning which is reflected so well on the pages of this edition of the Yearbook where we can see so many motivated students enjoying a variety of learning experiences.
To maximise potential it is essential to be motivated. This is because it enhances engagement, sustains effort, and promotes perseverance, fostering an optimal environment for acquiring and retaining new knowledge and skills. When we talk about skills we do not only mean those related to a specific subject but also abilities that will help them develop to be effective global citizens that can adapt to a changing world and be life-long learners. Our bilingual project is naturally one of the pillars in our education programme and we continually reflect on ways to improve the English language learning at school.
For example, this year we are implementing a complete phonics programme called Jolly Phonics from 3 years in Early Years that progresses into Primary. This will not only help our learners with their reading and writing skills but also with their pronunciation to be effective communicators in the future. More and more of our students are reaching the higher levels of English language competence shown through our excellent Cambridge results but it’s critical that our younger students are given the solid foundations from which their language learning can grow and flourish.
Mike West
Head of Learning