Disección del corazón
Durante la semana del 5 de Abril, los alumnos de los dos grupos de 3º de ESO han podido comprobar mediante la disección de un corazón la anatomía de dicho órgano, tal y como vimos en clase. La práctica se desarrolló en los laboratorios de Biología y Química para reducir el número de alumnos por aula. De esta forma y mediante la técnica de disección adecuada pudieron observar las cavidades del corazón, la ubicación de las válvulas o la consistencia de los principales vasos sanguíneos.
Antonio J. de Paz
Profesor de Biología
In this practice I’ve learned what a pig heart really looks like, even though we have seen a lot of photos in class and learned all the parts that’s a perfect heart that barely resembles the actual one. Knowing this, at first identifying the ventricles and atriums was a bit difficult, but in the end we figured them out.
Once the cuts were made and the parts were well positioned, we began to experiment. Finding both valves (the tricuspid and mitral), trying to cut the septum, which was an impossible task and just seeing and determining where arteries such as the aorta or the pulmonary went.
In the end I think it was a really interesting practice, personally it helped me realise and manipulate what I have inside my body and know the importance of it. I like it very much and I even have fun in the process.
María C.
Alumna 3ºB ESO