Seeing that the news of what happened in Ukraine was generating concern and doubts in our students, we decided to talk about it in the Emotional Education class. We talked about what they knew, about the emotions that the affected people could be feeling, about the fears and worries that were generating them and we clarified some doubts or misconceptions. We discussed what we could do to help in this war and we ended up reflecting on whether there really are winners in a war or if everyone loses.

In 2nd grade we joined the Flowers for Children campaign of the NGO Save de Children. On their website, they say that many of the children in the refugee camps draw flowers as a symbol of love, rebirth, and new beginnings. With this beautiful campaign, they encourage these children to send flowers through social networks. So our students did not hesitate to get down to work to send them a ray of hope. I hope it arrives.

Beatriz Escrivá
Emotional Education