The Boar and the Wolf: a problem and a solution
To solve the recent problem of overpopulation of the boar in Spain introducing the Wolf in the Spanish ecosystem will reduce the number of this wild pigs in a natural form.
Lately, if you read the press a little bit you’ll see that every day the number of boars is growing considerably. They are in parks, urbanizations, roads, dumpsters, etc…This happens because there are almost no Iberian wolves, which are their main predator and as in towns and villages there are garbage and other foods, these wild pigs prefer to go there and get easy food
A short time ago about 40,000 boars invaded Madrid half of them carried diseases such as tuberculosis.
In addition, its presence in cities has increased traffic accidents caused by boar by 33% and its annual growth has increased to between 5% and 15%. Of course, this overpopulation is a problem for people: as wild boars are usually quite aggressive (especially if they go with offspring) and can attack people, as much as for boars: which are hunted massively by humans.
Experts have been trying to solve this issue and one of the possible solutions was to take wolf pheromones for their territories so that they do not approach more to the cities and towns , however that only drives more this animals to approach cities.
However, a solution could be the reintroduction
of the Iberian wolf, as it is the main predator of the wild boar and reduce the number of these wild pigs in a natural way, without damaging the environment and with a total effectiveness, not counting that it would help Preserving the wolf and helping the ecosystem of Spain
This would not be the first time that the wolf, after being reintroduced helps to lower the number of animals and balances the ecosystem of the place, take as an example what happened in Yellowstone National Park. Before the wolf was reintroduced in the park there was a overpopulation of moose and deer as the wolf was one of its predators and there was no more. They fed on the berry bushes eaten by the bears and the number of these carnivores began to descend. Food began to be scarce for the other animals; The birds migrated, the mice and snakes hide, their numbers decreased and the deer and moose began to erode the rivers. The only dominant predators were the little coyotes. Everything continued to worsen…Until the wolf was reintroduced. These began to throw the moose and deer from the places where they used to be and some species returned as bears and mice and with them, returned the birds, like eagles. As if it were not enough, the Wolves deserode (desrosionaron) the rivers and so to speak they redirected their channel balancing the ecosystem of the park. If wolves balanced the ecosystem and ended up with overpopulation, why not let them do it again?
Guillermo Maldonado Arribas, 14 years, Laude Fontenebro.
Enfermedades de la globalización
A si se denominan las enfermedades que atemorizan a España gracias al Calentamiento Global.
A lo largo de estos últimos años el calentamiento global nos ha demostrado que es algo que no tenemos que dejar de lado. Muchos problemas afectan a la especie humana y al mundo entero: aumento del nivel del mar, tormentas más intensas, propagación de enfermedades, olas de calor más fuertes, huracanes más peligrosos, cambio del ecosistema, desaparición de los animales, alimentos más caros, derretimiento de los glaciares y una larga lista más.
Una de las cosas que nos puede afectar de una manera muy directa es la propagación de enfermedades que es de lo que va a tratar este artículo.
Las enfermedades y nosotros
Es importante saber que las enfermedades nos afectan a muchos de nosotros y gracias al calentamiento global nos van a ir llegando más,el hemisferio norte tiene un peligro potencial debido a que proporcionan unas condiciones y un hábitat perfecto a los insectos extranjeros que las transmiten.
La mayor amenaza se sitúa en el Mar Mediterráneo en donde el verano se alarga hasta Noviembre,Eso y el abandono de zonas rurales y urbanas favorecen y acomodan la llegada de insectos para sobrevivir el invierno y aumentar su población como es el caso de (Aedes albopictus) más conocido como mosquito tigre,el peligro de este mosquito y lo que preocupa a mucha gente es que haga lo mismo que su pariente Aedes aegypti (mosquito de la fiebre amarilla) mosquito que se encargó de iniciar una gran cantidad de epidemias en África.
Actualmente en España hay cerca de unos 500 casos de Malaria en españa según https://www.lavanguardia.com
Si un mosquito cualquiera entra en contacto con una de esas personas y luego pica a otra la malaria será contagiada.
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