This week, we celebrate WATER WEEK at school.
As an Eco-school we encourage our students to learn about the importance of water in our lives, especially this year when we are experiencing a shortage of rain. For this reason, they will carry out activities related to water from the different subjects.
Among the different activities that will be carried out this week, next Thursday, March 24, we will carry out the “Unicef Water Race” at the school, organized to motivate students for a good cause. All the money raised by the donations will be donated to UNICEF to bring clean water to schools in countries in need. The students will decide the number of laps they do and the donation for running.
In addition, today, March 21, UNICEF volunteers have given a talk to our Primary students in the school library to explain the work of this organization in developing countries with issues related to water problems and ways of acting to make it possible to bring clean running water to these needy countries. In addition, it has made our students aware of the privilege of having been born in a country like ours in general, but above all for having at their disposal this essential good that everyone should have the right to.
In addition, the 5-year-old students and the entire Primary stage will carry out an experiment related to water in the laboratory guided by the teachers of the Science Department.
Ecoschool Department