Today the Ecological Patrol of #LaudeFontenebroSchool, identified with green vests, together with the Eco-schools Committee, all Primary students and with the participation of volunteers in Secondary, have read their manifesto in defense of the Environment.
The manifesto that we reproduce below includes measures that are being carried out from the College as an Eco-school. In addition, our Ecological Patrol has suggested through an impeccable speech a series of new initiatives to improve the path undertaken by the School for the care and respect of the Environment. Mike West, Acting Head of #LaudeFontenebroSchool has promised to assess all suggestions for its possible start-up. CONGRATULATIONS! PROUD OF YOU!
We leave you details of the emotional event!
Today we celebrate Earth Day, our home. Also the home of the elephants, the birds, the flowers, the gorillas, the mosses, the turtles, the fir trees….
It is wonderful to share this home with so much biodiversity.
It is our responsibility to reflect on some data that concern us:
– Did you know that 27% of animal species are in danger of extinction?
– Do you know that this has a lot to do with the way people behave?
We deforest forests to generate our products.
We consume natural resources without control.
We pollute the air like never before in the history of mankind.
The good news is that we, TOGETHER, as Ecoescuela can do a lot.
We’re already doing some cool stuff, right?
– We control the paper we use in the bathrooms because we know that every bit of
paper we save means more living trees, and more living trees
they mean many more animals living in their homes. In the classrooms we generate
less and less paper and we are getting used to reusing it.
– We use recycling waste in the correct way, both inside and outside
the classes.
– The orchard is underway and soon we will be able to see its fruits. Your care is
responsibility of all, we would like to ask for volunteers to help in the
maintenance of the garden, we will create a list of helpers and everyone can
collaborate when necessary.
– We are recycling obsolete mobiles to help the chimpanzees of the Congo and
We have already managed to sponsor one of them.
– We collect used batteries and caps that are then taken to the appropriate places
for recycling.
– We have a fully functioning compost bin and with the compost that is being
forming we will be able to fertilize our two orchards naturally.
– We have created the “Ecoschool Corner”, it is next to the dining room (under the
ladder), there we will place ecological evidence of everything we are
making. At the moment we have put a mailbox that is at your disposal in case
Do you want to make any proposals or suggestions for improvement?
And speaking of improvement, surely if we reflect for a moment, several
aspects where we could improve, right? For example:
Do we only use the water we need?
Do we recycle paper and packaging in all classrooms?
And when we leave a classroom, do we check that the projector and lights are not left on?
We can remind each other of all this if someone gets lost.
Perhaps at this time our main challenge is to achieve correct recycling in the
yellow and black bins from the patio, we mix everything and some children recognize that
they have doubts about what waste they should deposit in each one.
In the ecological patrol we are trying to find a solution to this problem and to other
difficulties that arise, if you have any idea or suggestion, leave it in the mailbox
We are clearly committed to our planet because we like how it is, how
he treats us, the things he offers us. We are convinced that we will be able to
support each other to create a unique Ecoschool.
It is in our hands because WE ARE ALL ECOSCHOOL!!